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Apply today to talk with a Success Coach about using stories to life coach kids!

WISDOM Coach Application

We recommend you complete this application on a laptop/desktop/tablet

Please complete all fields.

(Put N/A if you don't have a company name or website)

1. What made you decide to talk with us?

2. Describe your coaching, counseling, teaching, or personal development background. If you have any existing certification(s) or degree(s) please list.
3. Have you ever coached or worked with kids? If YES, what was the biggest challenge you faced when working with kids. If NO, what has kept you from working with kids in the past?
4. What are your goals for becoming a certified WISDOM Coach™?
5. Which best describes your career/business goal for wanting to life coach kids?
6. Which best describes your financial goal?

7. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being extremely important, how important is it for you to become a life coach for kids?
8. Are you financially prepared to invest in yourself and your business?
9. How did you find out about us?
10. If Internet search, please share the words you used. If referral please share who referred you. If "other", please share too!
11. Other comments:


You must hit "Submit My Application" for us to receive your application.
You will be sent an email with a coaching story, an FAQ document
and information about next steps!