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Congratulations on Completing
Another Year of WISDOM Coaching!

Click the green “play button” below to hear
a special message from Renaye about your next year…


Starting with the June 2018 renewal cycle, you will be
upgraded to our enhanced service!

1. First, you will get the Business Accelerator Curriculum and Action Plans as a bonus (a $1997 value)

2. Second, next year your renewal will decrease from $497 to $297 (Note: for WISDOM Institution Licenses renewal remains $997)


Keep reading for details….

 The Business Accelerator Curriculum
and Action Plans!

Click if you would like to listen
to an overview about the
Business Accelerator Curriculum and Action Plans!

($1997 value)

BONUS when you renew!

Renewal also includes:

  • Use of The Adventures in Wisdom Life Coaching Program for Kids Curriculum for another year
  • Support in our private Facebook Group for WISDOM Coaches!
  • Use of the WISDOM Coach logo
  • Listing on the AdventuresInWisdom.com website
  • Q&A sessions for another year


With the upgrade, your renewal will be
converted to a “basic” renewal.

After surveying our coaches and testing a “basic” renewal offering that didn’t include bonus items
and additional articles, coaches overwhelmingly gave us feedback that they prefer a lower renewal rate.
This year in lieu of the articles, we are giving you the Business Accelerator Curriculum!

As a result…

Your renewal will convert to a “basic” level and your rate will
DECREASE to $297 for your next renewal cycle.


At this time we only plan to offer 1 level of renewal.
If we receive feedback that coaches would like the
option of additional articles, we will consider putting together a separate
marketing package for those who want to invest in that. 

Yes!  Click below if you’re ready for your
next year of WISDOM Coaching

(and receive the Business Accelerator Curriculum as a bonus!)

(Click here or image above)


Please click below if you don’t
want to continue your journey