Affiliate Tools to Promote Special Report about Life Coaching for Kids – for Coaches
“How Life Coaching for Kids is Transforming the Lives of Children Around the World…and How You Can Be a Part of It!”
- Sample Emails
- Sample Social Posts
- Sample Messaging (Text)
- Sample eZine Message
- FAQs about affiliate program (password reset, commission info, etc)
Sample Email Messages
Below are several sample emails that you can use as-is or personalize (recommended) to invite your community to check out our free special report about life coaching for kids.
This report explains what life coaching for kids is, how it’s different from parenting, why parents hire coaches, why stories are so effective for teaching mindset skills to kids, and it introduces our WISDOM Coach® Certification Program.
Before sending the email, hyperlink the text “Click here to check it out” with your custom link (you can use your custom link but it’s not as clean to look at).
IMPORTANT: Send yourself an email and test the link before sending to your community.
Sample Email #1
Subject Line: Special report answers questions about becoming a life coach for kids
Hey friends,
Are you curious about becoming a life coach for kids?
Adventures in Wisdom, an organization that is bringing life coaching to kids in over 30 countries, has put together a free special report to help you understand more about this ground-breaking approach to help kids develop:
-Resilient self-esteem and self-confidence
-Make good decisions
-Choose respect and self-respect
-Create happiness in life!
In this report, you’ll learn:
-What life coaching for kids is all about
-Learn how life coaching for kids is different from parenting or life coaching adults
-Read powerful real-life examples of child life coaching in action
– and much much more!
Click here to get your free copy of the special report: [use your affiliate link]
All the best,
<Your Signature>
Link the words “Click here to check it out” to:
Note that right after “SpecialReportCoaches/” make sure you see your affiliate code (which is your username). For example: (NO SPACES). Instead of “rthornborrow” you should put your username. Be sure to test it out.
Sample Email #2
Subject Line: Want to life coach kids? Check out this special report…
Subject Line: Curious about life coaching kids? Check out this special report…
Hey friends,
Do you work with kids or want to work with kids?
Check out this free special report that talks about how “life coaching for kids” is transforming the lives of children around the world…and how you can be a part of it.
In this report you’ll learn:
- How life coaching kids is different than coaching adults.
- The secret behind connecting with kids in a way that creates positive change in their lives.
- Hear what coaches, parents, and kids are saying — based on real-life experience.
- Learn about a proven system to help bring life coaching to kids!
- And much more!
Click here to get your copy of this special report! [Put your affiliate link here and/or hyperlink it to “Click here”]
All the best,
<Your Signature>
Link the words “Click here to check it out” to
Note that right after “SpecialReportCoaches/” make sure you see your affiliate code (which is your username). For example: (NO SPACES). Instead of “rthornborrow” you should put your username. Be sure to test it out.
Sample Social Posts
Below are several sample post ideas you can create. When posting your message, you can either use your complete affiliate link such as: or you can create a smaller link using a service such as TinyURL (
(Sample messaging you can use is in the next section).
Your Affiliate URL for this Special Report will look something like this:
(NOTE: Because this is a website page, it does not have your custom affiliate code. You will need to fill that in using the code you were sent in the email (i.e. replace “~Affiliate.AffCode~ with your username)
Note: If you have read the report, let your people know about it – that’s a very strong endorsement!
Hints for Social Posts:
- Use an image of the Special Report (click here to download image)
- Use fun emojis in a post
Use the Headline: Do You Want to Life Coach Kids? Get this FREE Special Report and discover what’s possible for you!
Sample Messaging (Text)
A tiny URL will enable you to create a URL that is 30 characters or less.
For tips on how to do that see “Sample Social Posts” above.
Want to work with kids? Check out this special report about how life coaching for kids is transforming the lives of children around the world. [PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE]
Want to life coach kids? Check out this special report about this fun and effective approach to empowering kids. [PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE]
Does life coaching for kids really work? Check out this special report and read about real-life success stories.[PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE].
How does life coaching kids differ from coaching adults? Check out this special report and learn more. [PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE]
Special report – How life coaching for kids is transforming the lives of children around the world. [PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE]
Be a life coach for kids…special report shares this ground-breaking approach to empowering kids. [PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE]
Life coaching isn’t just for grownups! Click here for this special report about how life coaching for kids is transforming the lives of children around the world…and how you can be a part of it. [PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE]
Does life coaching for kids really work? You bet it does! Check out this special report about life coaching for kids and learn about this ground-breaking approach to empowering kids. [PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE]
Have you ever thought about life coaching kids? Check out this special report and learn how life coaching for kids is transforming children’s lives around the world…and how you can be a part of it. [PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE]
Did you know that life coaches are empowering kids in over 30 countries using stories? Check out this special report and learn about this ground-breaking approach to empowering kids! [PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE]
Ever wonder how life coaching kids is different from coaching adults? Learn this and more in this special report that shares how life coaching for kids is transforming the lives of children around the world. [PUT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK or YOUR TINY URL HERE]
Sample eZine Blurb
Note: If you have read the special report, let your people know about it – that’s a very strong endorsement!
Did you know that life coaching for kids is transforming the lives of children around the world? Check out this free special report to learn about this ground-breaking approach to empowering kids.
Do you want to life coach kids? Check out this free special report, “How life coaching for kids is transforming the lives of children around the world…and how you can be a part of it!”
In this report you’ll learn:
- How coaching kids is different than coaching adults.
- The secret behind connecting with kids in a way that creates positive change in their lives.
- Hear what coaches, parents, and kids are saying — based on real-life experiences.
- Learn about a proven system to help bring life coaching to kids!
- And much more!
If there is anything else you need to help you get the word out, please let us know at [email protected]. Thank you!!