Changing the world, one child at a time…
Changing the world, one child at a time…
What People are saying about Adventures in Wisdom
What Coaches are Saying…
Expanding my business and empowering kids!
“Thank goodness for Adventures in Wisdom. This program is so thorough and well written – it was exactly what I needed when I started developing a curriculum for my after school program. Because of The Adventures in Wisdom Life Coaching Program for Kids, I was able to focus on getting my nonprofit up and running instead of having to spend a year or more developing a curriculum.
The skill books also give me a fun and engaging way to work with the kid. I can’t say enough positive things about this program. I think the certification they have put together is fantastic and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to mentor or coaching kids.”
– Peter, WISDOM Coach
Former teacher, administrator and superintendent wishes he had Adventures in Wisdom when he was a teacher
As a teacher and school administrator, I spent 20 years helping children who struggled in school. Some were special needs students and others were regular education students. They all had one thing in common which kept them from excelling, they had a very limited self-concept of themselves and their abilities, and they were not able to separate themselves from failure.
When I first came across the Adventures in Wisdom Curriculum, I was amazed with the program. It can be used to prepare children for a bright future regardless of what they desire to be in life, while giving them the skills to deal with everyday problems.
As adults we struggle in our journey to achieve success because we deal with limiting beliefs that were rooted at a very young age. If we would have learned that we can do and be anything we want to be, and that failure is part of life and should be used to make us better and stronger, our reality for success would have been much greater.
I wish that I would have had this program when I was a teacher. I strongly believe that it can be used in schools, as well as with families, to help support children overcome their fears, be courageous, and help them be the best they can be.
– Felix, M.A., Former Teacher, Administrator and Superintendent and WISDOM Coach
Supportive community committed to helping kids
The WISDOM Coach Program will prepare you for a wonderful opportunity to provide life-coaching for young children. The program is fun, hands-on and caters to a variety of learning styles.
As a coach, you will be inspired to make this business fit you and your own style, which is wonderful.
You will be surrounded by a very supportive community of coaches who are committed to learning from each other and sharing ideas.
As you do this meaningful work with children, you will touch the lives of them (and their families) in powerful ways, and provide them with the tools they need to experience success in all areas of their lives.
The coaching program speaks to today’s generation of kids. The content is simple and stretches children’s thinking in a good way.
Children easily “see” themselves in the characters of the stories, and learn constructive ways to solve problems that they encounter each day.
When children learn these skills, they feel better about themselves and others, and when they feel good, they achieve their goals and their dreams! -Milissa, WISDOM Coach in Canada
Unique Program Fits into My Business
As an educator of youth and a purveyor of life skills, I am always looking for interesting and diverse ways to introduce life’s lessons to children. When I came across the WISDOM Coach program, I researched it, and was really drawn in by the complexity of the system, without being complicated for either coach or student.
I am a firm believer in teaching or training through prevention rather than correction. When I saw the Adventures in Wisdom curriculum, I knew this was something I wanted to pursue and incorporate into my own programs here at Horses of the Sun.
There is no better gift that we can give to children than the skills to develop their full human potential. Why wait until life’s problems overtake us, and we have to correct them by going to adult courses that teach the same concepts as those taught through these children’s stories?
Thanks Renaye, for developing Adventures in Wisdom and allowing us to use your work in conjunction with our own!
– Sonja, WISDOM Coach, Canada
The kids love it!
I started out using Adventures in Wisdom a couple of years ago with my daughter who loved the program. Sometimes we would read up to 5 stories per day – she just couldn’t get enough. I immediately noticed a positive change in her and I even noticed her teaching other kids the skills she’d learned.
I began to think what a wonderful idea it would be to coach other kids so I got my certification. It was a very easy process and I found the support along the way to be of great value.
The kids absolutely love this program – it’s super fun and engaging. It gets them to really think about the skills they are learning.
For me as a coach, the coaching materials are easy to use and the support that you get is great. I feel honored to be a part of The Adventures in Wisdom team and super excited to be able to coach kids and to pass on these wonderful skills.
– Michell, WISDOM Coach in Australia
I love being part of the WISDOM Coach Family
AW is an incredible family to belong to. Not only are the people great but so is the well thought out, tried and tested curriculum.
As an adult Life Coach, I can tell you that this Kids curriculum covers the whole development of the child.
I am honored to have found this program and to have had the support to use it with kids
– Sam, WISDOM Coach in South Africa
Making the world a better place!
After working with kids and teenagers I’m seeing the small but significant changes in their attitudes and outlook in life, Adventures in Wisdom is a wonderful program that hits directly the issues kids face everyday.
Learning to deal with these issues early in life will give kids the tools and confidence they need as they grow up.
I believe it will help them be more responsible and caring adults that can make the world a better place to live in.
– Geeta, WISDOM Coach in Philippines
Helping me fulfill my life purpose
WISDOM Coaching is a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in the lives of kids . Also these skills are helping parents as well.
What an inspiration to be on this journey of helping little people with developing an empowering mind set to live fulfilled lives. This to me is what gives my life substance and essence.
-Luvashnee, WISDOM Coach in South Africa
Coaching Certification Provides Additional Credibility
Finding Adventures in Wisdom™ has been a blessing to my business. I met Renaye as I was launching my business and was looking for Law of Attraction and mindset curriculum for elementary age girls.
What I found in Adventures in Wisdom was the total package – comprehensive curriculum, activities, marketing materials and coach certification all rolled into one high quality program.
It has made launching my classes and workshops much easier and faster than doing it (creating curriculum) all on my own. Plus, the coaching certification provides additional credibility that parents and school administrators love
I highly recommend becoming an certified WISDOM Coach™ to anyone who wants to empower children or teach Adventures in Wisdom. It is by far the best program of its kind.
-Candace, WISDOM Coach in Texas
Helped me fulfill my purpose of helping kids after I retired from teaching
The Adventures in Wisdom program has provided me with the ability to live my passion of helping children and live my dream after retiring as a teacher.
If that wasn’t enough, AIW has also connected me to a global community of like minded people / coaches changing our world one child at a time. Upon retiring, I soon knew I needed a curriculum that would fulfill a more complete and rounded program that would go the distance. I started researching and found Adventures in Wisdom.
The Adventures in Wisdom is an exceptional in depth life – coaching program complete with proactive skills – 27 in all, that come to life through stories and activities; empowering kids from their early years into their teens and empowers its coaches with continued support, training, and a community that expresses a global goal to ensure the children of the world are empowered personally and globally!
Once you start going through the AIW program, you immediately realize how life changing it is; not only for the children you will coach, but on a personal level.
-Debra Ann, WISDOM Coach in United States
Love the training and support!
I found the Adventures in Wisdom program when i was looking for a more enhanced and structured program that would cater to children.
As a mother of three, and having worked with children as a Head of Children’s Church for several year, I would say this is the best program yet that I have come across.
It met my need and the best part is, once I got certified and experienced the amazing support that Renaye provides and the training, I decided to start my own business.
I would recommend this program to parents, teachers and every adult who works with kids.
It brings life into the things we want to teach children along with fun and it’s therefore a program that the kids enjoy as they are equipped with life skills that they will carry all their lives.
– Terry, WISDOM Coach from Kenya
Our success is their success!
Adventures in Wisdom helps coaches work with younger clients and is the perfect curriculum for adults that want to make a difference in a child’s life.
The curriculum is very well organized and easy to adapt to different age children as well as different abilities. The training is done at your own pace and is very motivating to go through.
27 different mindset skills are taught in a clear to understand way that will make coaching a young child easy and effective.
I highly recommend this course and the support and staff at Adventures in Wisdom. Your success is their success and they are there for you with any questions and needs that you might have.
The training and support doesn’t stop with your certification,but continues after your certification as you build your practice and work with children.
– Laura, WISDOM Coach in United States
Fun and interactive way to work with kids
This fantastic program has enabled me to fulfill my life’s passion by helping children to develop the skills, confidence and ability to thrive in life
It’s all about helping kids to develop a Mindset for creating happiness, confidence and success in their lives. The curriculum is easy to follow and understand and the stories are a great way to coach kids in a fun and interactive way.
The training can be done at your own pace and there is excellent support available both during and after the training period.
The quality of the course materials are also excellent.
I would highly recommend this course to anyone who works with, or wants to work with children in the area of Life Skills and making a positive difference to children’s lives.
– Roisin, WISDOM Coach in UK
What Experts are Saying…
Excerpts from Jack Canfield’s Interview of Renaye Thornborrow
“ That is so valuable because we’re not learning that in school…
I’m sitting here thinking I need to tell every trainer I’ve ever trained, which is about 4000 of them, go get trained by you. Add this to their tool bag….
I was one of the founders of the National Council for Self-Esteem way back when. And the work you’re doing is so far beyond what anyone was doing…I feel grateful that you’re doing the work you’re doing. It’s really, really important….
If you have children, if you have grandchildren, if you’re a teacher, if you’re a coach, if you’re anyone working with children or care about children, I’m sitting here. And I don’t say this very often. I highly recommend what you’re doing. It is so valuable, and it’s so complete. That’s what I love about it and, obviously, really effective.”
Click Here to Watch Full Interview
“What I love about this is that it’s deep transformational work….You’re teaching [children] how to learn, how to think, how to resolve issues that are going on in their lives for themselves….”
You’re doing a lot of right for the world…I thank you for your energy, your passion, and your offering to the world….I highly recommend that those of you who have any inclination of working with kids to please call Renaye….she is passionate and there to support you.”
“Finally, a bold leader in a coaching specialty the planet needs SO much – life coaching for kids!
Renaye is the real deal, providing wisdom and teaching for kids and parents that is road-tested and makes a tangible difference quickly, while having fun. And because it’s so innovative, it changes the game for any coach wanting to over deliver to their family/children/parent clients.
Thank you Renaye dedicating your life to making it easier for coaches to find parents to help kids. I highly recommend you every chance I get.”
-Andrea J. Lee, Founder Wealthy Thought and former General Manager of Coachville
“Renaye’s commitment and passion for empowering kids is helping kids across the world develop soaring self-esteem and go for their dreams!
She is a true leader in creating positive change in the world.”
– Marcia Wieder, Founder/CEO of Dream University
I attended Renaye’s training on Life Coaching Isn’t Just for Grownups – Three Skills All Kids Should Learn Before the Age of 10.
Renaye introduced tips on how to handle difficult situations. The tips were so applicable to any age and her use of stories and ways of making it fun were inspiring.
Her work is so important. Kids are fragile and Renaye’s coaching tips really help them to believe in themselves, develop positive messages, hone their skills and reach their dreams. If you get the chance, I highly recommend checking out her work.
-Margaret McLean Walsh, Executive Coach, VP of Professional Development for ICF New York City
I was thrilled to interview Renaye Thornborrow as part of my Unboxed Brain Series – a monthly program where I spotlight out-of-the box thinkers who are bringing creative solutions to the world.
She is engaging, creative, generous and knows her stuff. What I love about her innovative approach is that it enables coaches to use stories and engaging activities to bring life coaching to kids.
Her innovative certification program is exactly what the industry, and parents for that matter, need in this arena. My audience loved her and she was fun and easy to work with.
If you get the chance to hear her speak or take part in her programs, do it. You won’t be disappointed.
– Marcy Nelson-Garrison MA LP CPCC Coaching Toys, Inc.
Renaye Thornborrow recently provided a continuing education program for our group of certified coaches.
Her program for coaching kids serves as a great resource for divorce coaches because either parents need something to help them to focus on the children during divorce AND divorce coaches can benefit from adding coaching for children to their services.
Renaye is very engaging, has a gracious and direct manner and is so innovative in her approach to coaching children through stories.
I wish I were a kid again because I could have benefited greatly from having a coach when my self-esteem hit the skids after the death of my mother at the tender age of eight.
– Pegotty Cooper, CDC, MBA, President Divorce Coaching inc and Co-Founder of the CDC Certified Divorce Coach Program