Life Coaching isn’t Just for Grownups…
Three Mindset Skills All Children Can Learn at a Young Age
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(You can earn 1 ICF CCE)
Free Training Call ($197 Value)
February 27, 2025 1:00 PM Eastern Time
(60 minutes – We start right at the top of the hour so please dial in early (especially if you want the CCE))
Please note that ICF requires you to attend the entire call to earn the CCE.
We will start right on time and give a beginning and ending pass code (required for the ICF CCE).
Those who attend live can earn 1 Continuing Coach Education Credit through ICF
(1 Core Competency)
Positive self-esteem isn’t something you either have or don’t have. Feeling good about yourself – even when things aren’t going your way – is a skill… And it’s something you can teach kids!
What You’ll Learn…
When faced with challenges or disappointments, most kids don’t have the tools to handle them. As a result, they often get down on themselves or give up on themselves – developing belief systems that can hold them back for the rest of their lives. As coaches, we’ve seen the impact of childhood events on adult clients over-and-over again!
Coaching isn’t just for grownups. It’s a game changer for our youth when they learn how to break through limiting beliefs and proactively create supportive beliefs to help them thrive. Life coaching can help kids learn how to use the power of their thoughts to handle the ups and downs of growing up and to develop a mindset for creating happiness, confidence, and success in life.
In this session coaches will learn about three powerful mindset skills that all kids can learn at a young age and how they can use stories and activities to coach kids (the skills work for grownup clients too).
- Why life coaching is critical for our youth and how coaching children is different from coaching adults
- Three traps that crush self-esteem and mindset skills that can help kids beat those traps
- Activities you can use immediately to help children practice these mindset skills
- How you can use coaching stories to evoke awareness, learning, and action in children
Presented by: Renaye Thornborrow, Founder of Adventures in Wisdom
Renaye Thornborrow is leading a worldwide mission to bring life coaching and mindset skills training to kids. Since 2013, her company, Adventures in Wisdom, has certified hundreds of coaches in over 30 countries, helping them create a business they love as a life coach for kids while empowering children around the world. Life coaching is a game changer for children as they learn how to build confidence, resilience, and mindset skills for life; and it is a game changer for coaches as they increase their impact and income while doing their work in the world serving kids. Renaye is a personal development expert, member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and former 3-year board member for the Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO). She is a retired corporate marketing executive and the proud mother of 22-year-old twins – a son and a daughter. Adventures in Wisdom is an ICF CCE (Continuing Coach Education) provider.
About Adventures in Wisdom Inc.
Since 2013, Adventures in Wisdom has been certifying WISDOM Coaches to use the Adventures in Wisdom Life Coaching for Kids Curriculum™ to bring life coaching and mindset training to children between the ages of 6 – 12. Coaches in over 30 countries use coaching stories and activities to help children learn how to use the power of their thoughts to create happiness, confidence, resilience, self-esteem, self-leadership, and achievement so that they can navigate the ups and downs of growing up, reach their fullest potential, and thrive in life. Adventures in Wisdom is a member of the Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO) and is an ICF CCE (International Coaching Federation Continuing Coach Education Credits) provider.