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Help your kids thrive…

Home Study Programs
Work with a Coach

Help your kids thrive…

Home Study Programs
Work with a Coach

Imagine sharing a story with your child and suddenly seeing them discover their magnificence!

Try out a free story at home!


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Find a WISDOM Coach®

WISDOM Coaches are certified to use the Adventures in Wisdom Life Coaching Program for Kids Curriculum to help kids develop mindset skills for happiness, confidence, and success in life.

They are very skilled in helping kids to break through challenges and reach their fullest potential

Click here to find a WISDOM Coach® who can work with your child.

Note: As with anyone you might hire to work with your child, it is your responsibility to conduct any necessary background checks or reference checks on any person or resource listed on our site that you might want to hire or to purchase.

Lunch Box Notes

Free gift from us to you!

Each week you will receive 5 lunch box notes via email (one for each school-day) that contains a kid-friendly inspirational message.

It’s a great way to share a bit of wisdom each day in just minutes.

Click here to get your Lunch Box notes.

Not sure where to start?

Send us your questions and we’re happy to help you
find the best resource to match your child’s needs!