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baking can help kids develop self-confidence


If you’re like most parents right now, you’re probably spending a lot more time with children at home during the global pandemic. While this can certainly be stressful as you balance work, online school, and household responsibilities, there are still easy ways to connect with your kids that will make this time count — and even make some great memories, too!

Please share additional ideas below!

Ten easy ways to connect with your kids

1. Make eye-contact when your kids enter the room. When kids see joy and acceptance in your eyes, it fills their heart beyond any physical gift that you could give them.

Little boy eyes

2. Tell your kids something that you appreciate about them each day (works great for spouses too :)).

3. Help your kids see their gifts and honor their uniqueness.

4. Ask your kids about their day using an open-ended question such as, “What was the best part of your day?” or “When did you feel most happy today?”

5. Learn something new together! Take up a new hobby, learn about a new culture, or test out a new recipe.

Girl playing guitar

6. Eat a meal together as a family as often as possible. 

Family dinner

7. Read a book together and discuss it.

8. Schedule special one-on-one “dates.”

Ways to connect with your kids


9.  Enjoy nature together.  Go for a walk, collect leaves, set up a bird feeder and identify new birds that visit, or plant a garden.

10.  Draw a picture together.  Have each person contribute a section to the picture and build the story together.

We hope you and your families are taking care during this challenging time.  

Please share your ideas below!

*** The end ***

Adventure well, my friend!

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