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Check out one of the stories that
WISDOM Coaches™ use with kids!

We all love a good story…and when it’s used to teach a lesson, we remember the lesson as well…and so do our kids!

WISDOM Coaches™ are trained to use stories, discussion questions, and activities to help kids learn how to use the power of their thoughts and the power of their mind to create happiness, confidence and success in their lives…even when things don’t go their way!

Through the stories, kids get to “see the skills in action” and lean how they can use the skills to solve real-life problems that they might face at home, in school, or with their friends.

Each story is followed up by a “let’s talk” activity to check their understanding and additional activities to enable them to practice the skill.

We call this “learning without lecture” and it makes learning easy and tons of fun!


If you’d like to check out one of the stories
that our WISDOM Coaches use with kids,
just complete the form and we’ll send it your way!