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Judy is a a certified Wisdom coach, a dedicated mother of two and was the founder and head of a large pre-school group of schools where she put together and implemented their life skills programs.   She has over 12 years combined experience working with hundreds of young children and their families both in a school environment and in the private sector.

Judy was in the business world for many years but after doing a child psychology course she was lead on a self-discovery journey which took her back to her childhood where at the end she knew that her true calling in life was to help, guide, support and mentor young children and teach them important life and Mindset skills that she wished she had known while she was growing up, so that they could become confident, resilient and successful in all aspects of their lives no matter what their circumstance or what life threw at them.  
Judy was so excited to find the amazing Wisdom Coaching System and she now focuses on coaching families with children between the ages of 6-15 years.
Judy runs private one-on-one coaching sessions in-person and online via Zoom, as well as in-person and online group workshops and masterminds.
She does school talks and is booked to run kids coaching sessions at other children’s functions and events.
Her company Inspired Life Coaching 4 Kids also runs and holds free mentorship session placements open for children from disadvantaged families and backgrounds to support children in her community.
Email Judy now for your FREE Discovery Call and to discuss your child’s individual needs