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Sarah Harrison

Sarah Harrison

Welcome to Jewels of the Oak – Nurturing Bright Minds, One Child at a Time. Through my own global adventures and self-development, I have learned valuable lessons and gained insights that have shaped me into the person I am today. I can only imagine the impact...
Laura Mullane

Laura Mullane

After thirteen years working as a Primary School Teacher in Ireland I found that I love helping children to become more independent and strong in thinking for themselves and helping them deal with whatever challenges life throws at them. I want to empower children so...
Jean Gibson

Jean Gibson

Jean Gibson is a certified WISDOM Coach as well as an adult Life and Career Coach.  She is an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development and is an accredited Flow Consultant.  Jean began her formal coaching practice in June 2016 after a long...
Ana Aiacoboaie

Ana Aiacoboaie

I am a 33-year-old wife and mother of two beautiful boys. I was born in Romania, but I have lived in Ireland for the last 10 years. I am multilingual as I speak, English, Romanian, Italian and some Spanish. I have a passion for learning about humanity, how the mind...
Cristina Pupaza

Cristina Pupaza

I am an experienced teacher of English, a learner coach and a certified WISDOM Coach. I have been in the education field in the public school system for over 30 years. My passion for children and my dream to make a difference in education inspired me to found...