How to Figure Out the Perfect Time to Go For Your Goal!
You may have heard statements like these before…
…then I’ll go for my goal! When deciding the “perfect time” to go for your goal… you must look out for sneaky dream-stealer called conditional thinking. Conditional thinking occurs when you think that something must happen before you go for your goal. To spot conditional thinking, listen for the words, “if” followed by “then” (may also hear the words “when” followed by “then”). Here are some more specific examples:
The problem with conditional thinking is that you become a victim to your circumstances or limiting beliefs versus standing in your power to create what you really want in your life. You see, the secret to creating what you really want is to declare your dreams based on what you truly want in life…and then managing away the circumstances. The mistake that most people make is that they look at their current circumstances and then whittle down their dreams down to fit within those constraints. So how can you break up conditional thinking?
The perfect time to go for your goal is now…even if it just means taking a small step in the direction of that goal! Take time to teach your kids about the dangers of conditional thinking. When they learn how to spot and shift conditional thinking, it will enable them to stand in their power and go for their goals versus becoming victim to current circumstances or limiting beliefs.
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Adventures well my friend!
Copyright (C) 2011 Renaye Thornborrow. All Rights Reserved.