How WISDOM Coaching is Changing the Lives of Kids and Families around the World
How is WISDOM Coaching Changing Lives?
What is Life Coaching for Kids?
Filling the Gap in Mental Health
Is WISDOM Coaching Right for You?
What is WISDOM Coaching and how is it Changing Kids’ Lives?
Children and families around the world are living better lives because kids are learning mindset skills for self-esteem, self-confidence, respect and self-respect, resilience, and more – by working with WISDOM Coaches who are certified life coaches for kids!
WISDOM Coaching is a unique and effective system for child life coaching that uses coaching stories, and the STORY Coaching process, to help kids learn, understand, and practice these skills – for life.
At Adventures in Wisdom, we believe that every child deserves to see the magnificence inside of themselves, to be able to handle life’s curveballs (like disappointments, change, and mistakes), and to be able to reach their fullest potential.
Adventures in Wisdom created the WISDOM Coach Certification program and the WISDOM Coaching process because we’ve seen that mindset development – delivered through life coaching – transforms the lives of kids and their families.
Adventures in Wisdom certifies people in teaching these mindset skills to kids – using a proven, story-based curriculum and STORY Coaching Process – that gets lasting results for kids.
Since 2013, Adventures in Wisdom® has certified many hundreds of people – in over 30 countries – to create a business they love as a life coach for kids.
Keep reading to understand more about:
- Life coaching for kids
- The WISDOM Coaching Process
- How to find a WISDOM Coach® for a child
- How to become a WISDOM Coach®
- And so much more
What is Life Coaching for Kids?
Life coaching for kids is about empowering kids through mindset development.
Kids learn how to use the power of their mind and the power of their thoughts to create happiness, confidence, resilience, and success in their lives so that they can soar!
Life Coaching helps kids:
- Develop resilience skills. Kids learn how to manage life’s “curveballs” — whether it’s facing a big change or dealing with a major disappointment, so that they can pick themselves up again and “go for it” in life.
- Build self-esteem from the “inside out”. Kids learn how to base their self-esteem on who they are and not on what they have achieved.
- Learn to believe in themselves and build self-confidence. Kids learn how to move through anxiety and fear, so they can stretch outside of their comfort zone, create courage, and go for their dreams with confidence.
- Develop their “inner compass” and self-leadership. Kids learn core values of integrity, responsibility, respect, and self-respect. They learn how to think for themselves and make good decisions, so they can stand up to peer pressure and be their own person.
- Learn to live life with intention versus drifting through life. Kids learn how to create a vision for their lives and achieve their goals so that they can reach their fullest potential.
If you think about it, parents hire coaches for kids’ sport, music, dance, and academics. But what could be more important than a life coach that helps kids succeed in all areas of their life?
“Just like a basketball coach helps children develop the skills, confidence and ability to thrive on the basketball court, a life coach for kids helps children develop the skills confidence and ability to thrive in life.”
How Does WISDOM Coaching Fill the Gap in Children’s Education?
Our children are spending thousands of hours learning their ABCs and 123s, but they aren’t learning the one thing that has the greatest impact on their lives – how to develop their mindset!
Mindset is all about how we think. It is the key to self-confidence, self-esteem, resilience, achievements, happiness, and so much more.
And mindset is a fundamental factor in the results a child gets in life – inside the classroom and beyond.
Some educators have recognized how important mindset work is for kids and have brought social-emotional learning and growth mindset to the classroom.
How to Talk about Grades in a Way that Empowers Kids
Let’s look at a quick example of how a shift in mindset can impact children’s self-esteem within the classroom and beyond.
Kids tend to define “who they are” based on the grades they receive – whether they receive A’s and B’s or D’s and F’s. Kids might say things like, “I’m an A-student” or “I’m not very smart”. (And guess what, parents and teachers use these labels too!).
Unfortunately, when kids are labeled based on their grades, it can have a negative impact on their self-esteem – even if they’re an “A student.” This is because if that “A student” brings home an A, they feel great about themselves. If they bring home a C, they get down on themselves.
So, what is the shift that grown-ups and kids can make in their mindset so that a child’s self-worth doesn’t rise and fall with their grade point average?
The mindset shift is to talk about grades as feedback.
Feedback is simply a result that occurs based on an action that was taken. It is a measure of how well a child learned the material.
Grades don’t mean that kids are “smart” or “dumb”…”good” or “bad” – it just means they either learned what they needed to know or they didn’t.
When kids learn to interpret grades as feedback and not “who they are”, it enables them to deal with both good grades and bad grades without impacting their self-esteem.
So how might this work?
If a child earns an “A”, instead of saying something like, “You’re so smart. You’re an ‘A-student’!” You could say, “Wow – you made some great grades. Looks like you really learned the material.” Do you see how the first comment “labels” the child whereas the second comment is objective feedback on the child’s work?
If a child brings home a “C” or lower, it’s a great time to say something like, “Doesn’t look like you learned the material that you needed to know for this test. Let’s put together a plan to make sure you learn what you need to know to move forward… Otherwise you may fall behind and future tests will be even more difficult.”
Do you see how this approach tackles the low grade as a problem to be solved? This enables the child to focus on improving the grade versus feeling bad about himself for making a poor grade.
How Does WISDOM Coaching Fill the Gap in Children’s Mental Health Solutions?
Helping our children navigate the challenges of life has never been more critical because there is a crisis in youth mental health.
Children’s mental health was an issue before the pandemic. Now it’s much worse.
Life coaching for kids is a critical part of the mental health solution that most people aren’t even aware of – supporting children on the prevention side.
If you look at mental health on a continuum, mental wellness is on one side and mental illness is on the opposite side.
Counselors and therapists mostly focus on the right side of the continuum – supporting children to regain their mental health, often after a mental health diagnosis or crisis.
Life Coaches support children on the mental wellness side – empowering children to:
- Develop resilience and coping skills so that they can navigate the challenges of life without getting down on themselves or giving up on themselves
- Learn how to proactively build self-esteem and confidence
- Live life with direction and achieve their goals
- Be who they were meant to be in the world!
WISDOM Coaching can help children develop mental fitness before counseling is ever needed.
“I am a Child and Family Psychologist in Westchester County. NY My approach is very unique in that my focus is on growth, empowerment, health, and wellness; whereas most psychologists in my area still take a very western medical approach and focus on symptoms, diagnoses, problems, and weaknesses….
I searched for quite some time but never found a program that worked for me. Then I stumbled upon Adventures in Wisdom and my search was over!! I knew I struck gold, I am so excited to incorporate this fantastic program into my work with children, whether in groups or when working privately with clients, I also plan to incorporate this into the school-based wellness programs that I have created. I feel right at home Knowing that I am among like-minded people who really love and care about kids!”
Why WISDOM Coaching Uses Live Coaching to Life Coach Kids?
WISDOM Coaches teach mindset skills to kids in a live-coaching environment – either in person or online.
There are two reasons for this.
- Live coaching is how children learn best
- Children listen to coaches
When it comes to why live coaching is how children learn best, it’s important to understand their brain development.
A child’s brain is not fully developed. They don’t have the critical reasoning skills that adults have. And that’s one of the reasons that the live coaching model for adults – that is heavily based on using questions – doesn’t work for kids!
Coaching kids requires a teaching component – to lay a foundation of knowledge and understanding. WISDOM Coaching is designed to do just that by providing coaching stories, guided questions, activities, games and crafts to help kids learn, understand, and practice mindset skills.
The other reason live coaching is the WISDOM Coaching model is that kids listen to coaches – sometimes better than they listen to their parents!
WISDOM Coaching is all about human-to-human connection and providing an emotionally safe space for kids to learn mindset skills.
WISDOM Coaches are part of a child’s team.
What do Kids Learn From WISDOM Coaching?
The WISDOM System for Coaching Kids is a 6-step WISDOM Coaching process. that helps kids develop mindset skills in essential areas of social-emotional development.
WISDOM is an acronym for the six areas of development that WISDOM Coaches empower kids to integrate into their lives! WISDOM is what kids learn.
WISDOM System for Coaching Kids
W – Wire Your Brain for Happiness and Success
MindPower is the secret behind why some people live a life of their dreams while others seem to struggle…never quite creating the life they imagined or dreamed of.
Kids learn how their thoughts create their experiences and what they can do to shape their thoughts. Kids learn how both their conscious mind and their subconscious mind work and how belief systems are at the core of shaping how they experience their lives. They learn secrets as to how their mind works and how to build a belief system based on possibility.
The MindPower Segment lays the groundwork for the rest of the Adventures in Wisdom® segments.
WISDOM System for Coaching Kids
I – Identify “Who” You Want to Be and What You Want for Your Life
What will kids do when grownups aren’t there? Peer pressure is not only one of the toughest challenges kids face while growing up but also one of the top reasons why kids get into trouble…and in the age of camera phones and the Internet, the mistakes kids make can haunt them…for the rest of their lives.
To stand up to peer pressure, kids must decide who they are and what they stand for; choose what they want for themselves before they are in a tough situation; and learn how to say “no” to their peers and “yes” to themselves.
In this segment kids will learn…
- Four core values of self-leaders (including self-responsibility, integrity, respect, and self-respect)
- How to make good decisions and decide what they want for themselves in key areas of their lives
- How to recognize 5 different types of peer pressure
- Key phrases for saying “No” to their peers
WISDOM System for Coaching Kids
S – See Your Inner Superstar and Shine
How kids feel about themselves and whether or not they believe in themselves will directly impact their happiness and what they create in their lives. Although you can’t give your kids strong self-esteem and self-confidence… you can teach them to develop it in themselves, from the inside out, so they can feel good about themselves and believe in themselves no matter what comes their way.
With this segment kids learn…
- How to develop powerful self-esteem and build self-confidence that doesn’t rise and fall with the ups and downs of life
- How to honor their uniqueness and the uniqueness of others
- The secret behind powerful self-confidence and self-esteem
- How to self-coach and make every day their master piece
WISDOM System for Coaching Kids
D – Dream Big, Live with Purpose, and Make it Happen!
Throughout history, humans have made the once “impossible”, possible… From airplane flight, to cell phones, to wireless phones, to open heart surgery – impossible dreams have become day-to-day conveniences of the modern world. But how does this happen? By dreaming! Someone thought of an idea…believed in that idea…and took action to make it happen.
In this segment kids will learn…
- How to create a vision for their lives so they live life with intention versus drifting through life
- How to use goal setting to turn their vision into action
- How to use the Law of Attraction tools of Visualization, Affirmations, and Gratitude to “program” their mind for success.
With the knowledge in this segment, children can create an extraordinary life… whatever that means to them!
WISDOM System for Coaching Kids
O – Overcome Obstacles and Create Courage
M – Manage the Ups and Downs of Growing Up
Fear…Failure…Mistakes…Change…Conditional Thinking
These are the dragons that keep so many people from their dreams….Help kids learn how to slay these dragons!
In this segment kids will learn…
- How to move through fear and “go for it”.
- How to put failure “in a box”, learn from it, and let it go
- How to use “The Five “I’s” of Managing Mistakes” to replace blame and excuses with responsibility and action
- How to manage and embrace change so that fear of the unknown doesn’t hold them back
- How to avoid conditional thinking and go for their dreams
Learning to slay the dragons helps kids create magic in their lives!
How does WISDOM Coaching work? The STORY Coaching Process
The STORY Coaching Process is how kids learn.
This unique process guides a WISDOM Coach’s session with a child so that they can focus on providing an emotionally safe space for kids to apply the skills to their own lives.
The STORY Coaching Process is incredibly powerful in its simplicity.
It’s a 5-step process, with a coaching tool for each step.
S) Share the Coaching Story to lay foundation of knowledge
Share the Adventures in Wisdom® Coaching Story to lay a foundation of knowledge for the child. Through the story, children see the impact of the problem that the characters face and how mindset skills are used to resolve the problem.
Through stories, children learn the skill right alongside the characters. For example, in the sample story you downloaded, Trudy the Tortoise is helped by Wyatt the Wise Wizard to understand how detrimental negative self-talk is to her self-esteem. She then learns how to shift that negative self-talk and to choose positive self-talk.
T) Talk about the story and how it relates to the child’s life
Use the discussion questions in the “Let’s Talk” section to discuss the story with the children. Discussion helps children apply the skills to their own lives.
O) Organize an activity to give children a hands-on experience.
Activities such as role plays and art projects give children an opportunity to further experience the skill.
• Practicing enables children to strengthen their learning (and neural pathways).
• Art projects give children a visual reminder of the learning that they can take home with them.
• You can also arrange games and outdoor activities for children.
With your guidance as a coach, you support children in applying this skill to their own lives through the discussion questions and the hands-on activities provided in each skill book.
It’s your personal connection that helps turn information into transformation for children, and it is a very effective way to work with kids.
The activity we shared with you in the self-talk skill book was an art project – Creating a Self-talk Mirror and creating their Mantras.
When you guide children through this activity, you are giving them a gift that will stay with them for the rest of their lives – which is that any time they see their reflection, it’s a reminder to use positive self-talk.
R) Review with parent and give them a WISDOM for Home Sheet
Invite parents to attend the last 10 minutes of your session/workshop and give children an opportunity to share what they are learning with their parent(s). Share a WISDOM for Home take home sheet with the parent(s) so they can continue the conversation at home. This deepens learning between sessions and engages the parents in supporting their children.
Y) Yes! Confirm knowledge with Wise in Fives
WISDOM Coaches receive a set of practice exercises that take about five minutes and are great for checking retention. At the start of each new session, use the Wise in Fives review sheets to practice the skill learned in the previous session.
Kids, parents and coaches love the STORY Coaching Process. Try it yourself for free by downloading the free coaching story that teaches the mindset skill, Self-talk.
See WISDOM Coaching in Action
Tyler struggled to believe in himself and to see what he could offer to the world. He often got down on himself, using negative self-talk about his abilities and his appearance. By the age of 10, his low self-esteem and low self-confidence were negatively impacting his social relationships and friendships.*
His mother was worried about her son, so she reached out to certified WISDOM Coach™ Rowan for help.
Rowan shared her observations, “When I first met Tyler at his house, he was very shy with a quiet tone of voice. He rarely made eye contact and was hesitant to share his feelings, or to express his thoughts. After talking with Tyler, I could tell that his low self-esteem and low self-confidence were the result of limiting beliefs that kept him trapped in his comfort zone – afraid to try new things and to meet new people.”
Breaking out of his shell. Using The Adventures in Wisdom Life Coaching Program for Kids™ Curriculum, Coach Rowan created a series of coaching sessions to help Tyler understand the power of belief systems and how to build a belief system based on empowerment.
She also designed sessions to learn how to live life with intention, to shift his thinking when things weren’t going his way, to use positive self-talk to help build his confidence and self-esteem, to choose self-respect when dealing with others, to build his confidence by challenging himself, and more!
After just the second session, Tyler’s parents noticed that their son was making eye contact and using a louder, more confident tone of voice when talking with people.
When Coach Rowan would arrive for their sessions, Tyler would open the door with a big smile on his face. He became more willing to share his thoughts, opinions, and feelings and made significant progress after just a few weeks of working together.
By the sixth session, Coach Rowan worked with Tyler to design a “stretch” activity that would help him practice stretching outside of his comfort zone. Although he was a bit hesitant, he understood that stretching outside of his comfort zone was the best way to build courage and confidence.
His mission was to go to a local coffee shop, introduce himself to random people, and ask them questions about their “uniqueness” and what they enjoyed doing.
Coach Rowan was excited to share the results, “Tyler was truly coming out of his shell! He had conversations with six adults and three high school kids and performed the task very successfully. Tyler’s mom had joined us at the coffee shop and she couldn’t believe that her son was talking with strangers. She was amazed with the progress that her son was making.”
Power shifting in action. By their ninth session, Tyler was stretching outside of his comfort zone without guidance from Coach Rowan.
He was thrilled to share with Coach Rowan that he did something that he never would have done in the past – he went outside and played with the boys in his neighborhood. These were the same boys that he would watch from his window every day but never had the courage to go outside and play with.
When Coach Rowan asked him how he made this happen, he answered that he used “power shifting” to shift his thoughts to something that would support him in achieving his goal of making new friends. In this situation, he shifted his thoughts from “They’ll make fun of me” to “They’re good friends and I will have fun with them.” And he did!
Tyler’s Mom was thrilled with the transformation in her son and wrote Coach Rowan this note:
“I just wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for working with Tyler. I appreciate the respect, compassion, and understanding you have shown during the past months of the program. You have had an extremely positive impact on my son’s life; after your help he is much more confident and sure of himself. This means so much to both him and me. I highly recommend your program to all boys and girls whether they have confidence issues or not, because of the positive approach which will help them tremendously in their lives.”
Through life coaching for kids, Tyler is now a happy confident boy who is making new friends and stepping outside of his comfort zone!
*Name changed for anonymity
Email Subject: “Success Already”
Nicolette had just enrolled in the WISDOM Coach® Certification program and she decided to test one of our coaching stories at a school assembly with kids aged 10-13. In her previous experience, assemblies were quite challenging because sometimes the kids would get bored and act up.
But this day it was different.
She sent me an email with the subject “Success Already”
She shares, “The kids were so inspired, they clapped at the end of my presentation. First time ever. They never clap! A child came up to me afterwards and thanked me for the talk. She really opened up to me and spoke about the challenges that she has experienced in her life. I was so excited that the story opened this door of communication with this child who really needed someone to talk to.”
And You Know it Works when Children Start Coaching Children!
One of our WISDOM Coach® was working with children in a Youth Center and asked one of the counselors how the children were responding.
The counselor shared with our coach: …the kids are really listening. During one of the basketball games, one of the boys was getting down on himself saying “I’m not good at this.” Then the girl next to him told him to remember the story about Julie the soccer player and how her thinking impacted her playing. She saw the boy thinking about that, remembering the lesson from the story, and then started playing again.
Helping girl sing out loud using the Coaching Story, “The Sun, the Wind, and the Rain”
Watch WISDOM Coach® Tara Ward share how story-based life coaching helped a shy girl find her voice and sing out loud for her family and others.
Three Favorite Coaching Stories
WISDOM Coach® Inna Neal discusses her favorite coaching stories from the Adventures in Wisdom curriculum to coach kids around letting go of mistakes, build self-confidence, and grow self-esteem.
Samantha goes from Hiding in the Corner to Participating in Class
WISDOM Coach® Inna Neal shares the story of Samantha, a girl who was experiencing a lot of anxiety and fear at school, issues with friends, and hiding out to avoid group activities.
Jack Canfield loves WISDOM Coaching
One of the global leaders in personal development and training, Jack Canfield, loves WISDOM Coaching and highly recommends this story-based coaching program.
“…so valuable because kids aren’t learning this [mindset skills] in school!”
“I don’t say this very often, but I highly recommend what you’re doing. It is so valuable, and it’s so complete. That’s what I love about it and, obviously, really effective.”
Watch his endorsement here:
For Parents – WISDOM Coaching for Your Child…
If you’re a parent looking for WISDOM Coaching for your child, there are a few things you can do.
1. If you’d like to explore the curriculum yourself, you can download the coaching story that teaches the mindset skill of self-talk – for free! Click here to download it. You’ll receive everything you need for WISDOM Coaching that skill including:
- A Mentor’s Guide that explains the skill
- The Children’s Guide with the coaching story, guided questions and activity
2. Or if you know you’d like your child to work with a WISDOM Coach, simply complete a “Connect with a Coach” form on the Adventures in Wisdom website to receive responses from certified WISDOM Coaches who believe they are a fit for what you are looking for.
You are under no obligation to move forward.
When to add a WISDOM Coach® to your Parenting Team
Here is a checklist you can use to determine when it might be a great time to add a WISDOM Coach to your parenting team!
How is your child feeling?
- Have you seen a shift in your child’s self-esteem- are they getting down on themselves or using negative self-talk?
- Have you seen a shift in their confidence- afraid to try new things or give up easily?
- Does your child struggle to let go of their mistakes or blame others?
- Does your child have worries that are impacting their ability to fully enjoy life?
What is your child doing?
- Is your child struggling to deliver school assignments or take tests?
- Are chores, homework, or screen time a constant battle?
- Have there been issues with truthfulness or sneakiness?
- Is your child sometimes disrespectful to others, including family?
- Are you concerned about your child’s ability to resist peer pressure or make good decisions when no one is looking?
- Is your child facing a big change- like a move, new school, change in family dynamics, or friendships?
What does your child want?
- Does your child have a big goal– making good grades, excelling in an extracurricular activity, or making a sports team?
- Does your child want stronger friendships?
Timothy Breaks out of His Slump
After making the All Star Baseball Team, Timothy began to put tremendous pressure on himself and his hitting began to suffer.
Wanting to help their son thrive, they hired WISDOM Coach® Laura to support him.
The first story we reviewed was ‘Who’s Flying Your Plane’ from the Adventures in Wisdom Life Coaching for Kids Curriculum, which teaches kids that if your subconscious mind isn’t working towards the same goal as your conscious mind, your subconscious mind will cause you to “crash” (or not achieve your goal). We also worked on building positive self-talk and visualization.
Timothy’s hitting improved immediately. After just one session, Timothy hit his first out-of-the park home run!”
Coach Laura shared her experience, “…Timothy was a child that had some areas in his life that were very frustrating for him. Coaching through stories helped Timothy make connections to his life and take the new concepts and apply them to his life, just like the characters from the stories. The stories also made it easy for him to remember the steps while trying out his new mindset skills. Timothy’s home run was confirmation to me that I am making a difference in the lives of kids! It is so gratifying helping kids to develop the skills they need to feel and be successful.”
Read more about Timothy’s story in our blog article here.
Could WISDOM Coaching as a Career Be Right for You?
Adventures in Wisdom® has certified hundreds of WISDOM Coaches around the world – since 2013!
First let’s look at what types of people become WISDOM Coaches and then we’ll share four questions you can ask to know if the pursuit of WISDOM Coaching is right for you.
Our coaches come from many different backgrounds and all walks of life — and they’re probably a lot like you.
People who love and are successful at WISDOM Coaching tend to have three things in common:
- They love children.
- They believe in personal development and mindset skills.
- They feel that working with children is part of their purpose in the world.
WISDOM Coaches are:
Life Coaches
Certified life coaches and life coaches in training, who want to specialize in brining life coaching to kids. Many of the issues that coaches see their adult clients struggling with have stemmed from their childhood. Helping children develop mindset skills, while they are young, will give them the tools they need for the rest of their lives.
As Frederick Douglass is famous for saying, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
Many of our coaches are educators who want to expand beyond academics and help develop the “whole child”. They know that social and emotional learning is just as important as ABCs and 123s. We also have a lot of retired educators who still want to work with children.
Meet 10 other teachers and learn why they decided to become a life coach for kids
Counselors and Therapists
Many of our certified WISDOM Coaches are counselors or therapists who want to expand their business to cover more of the prevention side by helping children develop coping skills and resilience skills.
School counselors are also either becoming WISDOM Coaches or teaming up with WISDOM Coaches to support children beyond school hours.
Tutors, Sports Coaches, Music Teachers, Art Teachers, and more
We have some coaches that are tutors who know that mindset skills are critical for success in school. And sports coaches who know that mindset is critical for success on the court or on the field. And Art Teachers, Music Teachers, Acting Coaches, Martial Arts instructors, Boy Scout Leaders and Girl Scout Leaders, the list goes on and one.
These are people who are already working with children and know that mindset skills are a critical component of a child’s success, no matter what activity they are involved in.
People who are Passionate about Personal Development and Care about Children
We have WISDOM Coaches who are parents and grandparents who want to empower their own children and other children as well. Many are self-described “personal development junkies” and love learning and applying mindset training in their own lives.
And others who have spent time in corporate or other work who want their work to have deeper meaning – they are passionate about personal development and passionate about children and see it as their purpose to empower children.
And that really is our number one criteria. That you have a passion for helping kids and a love of personal development and mindset work.
Helped me fulfill my purpose of helping kids after I retired from teaching
“The Adventures in Wisdom program has provided me with the ability to live my passion of helping children and live my dream after retiring as a teacher…AIW has also connected me to a global community of like minded people / coaches changing our world one child at a time.
Adventures in Wisdom is an exceptional in-depth life coaching program, complete with proactive skills that come to life through stories and activities; empowering kids from their early years into their teens. And it empowers its coaches with continued support, training, and a community that expresses a global goal to ensure the children of the world are empowered personally and globally!
Once you start going through the AIW program, you immediately realize how life changing it is; not only for the children you will coach, but on a personal level.”
Is WISDOM Coaching Right for You? 4 Questions to Ask…
Your answers to these four questions can help you decide!
1. Do you want to make a positive difference in children’s lives?
WISDOM Coaches LOVE children. They often describe themselves as having a “natural connection” with kids. Imagine waking up every morning knowing that you are helping children see their magnificence and reach their fullest potential!
2. Are you passionate about personal development?
WISDOM Coaches LOVE personal development, and most are on their own personal growth journey. They want to bring this powerful way of thinking to children so that they can live their best lives too.
3. Do you want freedom in how, when, and where you work?
As a certified WISDOM Coach®, you get to design a business you love life coaching kids! You choose when and how you work:
- Coach full time or part time.
- Lead workshops, guide small groups, or work with children one-on-one.
- Coach children live in person or online (work with children from around the world)!
- Bring your expertise into your work with kids! We have coaches who integrate yoga, meditation, art, dance, theater, and even cooking into their work with kids.
4. Will coaching children help you do your work in the world?
WISDOM Coaches join us because they are looking for fulfillment and meaning in their work.
They want to know that they are making a difference in the world and for them empowering children and helping shape the leaders of our future helps them fulfill their purpose.
The WISDOM Coach Certification Program – Designed to Give You Confidence?
The WISDOM Coach® Certification program is designed to help you create a business you love as a life coach for kids! It gives you a fun, engaged, and easy-to-use system for coaching kids between the ages of 6-12.*
*Although our curriculum is designed for kids between the ages of 6-12, some of our coaches are using our work with younger kids, older kids, and even adults
As a certified WISDOM Coach®, you are certified to use The Adventures in Wisdom Life Coaching Program for Kids™ Curriculum to help children develop 27 powerful mindset skills for creating happiness, confidence, and success in their lives.
Each skill book contains a:
- Mentor’s Guide that includes background information and coaching tips for you
- Children’s Guide that includes the coaching story, discussion questions, and activities to use with kids.
You will also be certified in the unique, STORY Coaching Process. (See above).
Here’s your guide to choosing a certification program.
About Adventures in Wisdom
Hi, I’m Renaye, founder and CEO of Adventures in Wisdom® and leader of a worldwide movement to empower kids.
When my kids were young, I knew that no matter how much I loved my kids or how much time I spent with them, I couldn’t give them self-confidence, self-esteem, or success in life. But what I could do was to teach how to develop it within themselves.
And that’s how Adventures in Wisdom® came to be. I started writing stories that my children could learn from to develop important mindset skills that they could use now, and for the rest of their lives. And that’s when the magic happened!
My children became more empowered, able to cope with daily life, and bounce back from struggles. I saw just how powerful the changes were in my own family, and I knew I had to bring this experience to as many children, parents, and coaches as possible. In 2011 I launched Adventures in Wisdom®.
I am honored that many hundreds of WISDOM Coaches have joined us from over 30 countries to bring this work to children! Through our program, kids are learning how to be confident and prepared to handle the ups and downs of growing up, to think for themselves and make good decisions, to own their magnificence, and to go for it in life – with the guidance of their WISDOM Coach.
If empowering kids is your dream, I’d like to invite you to join our WISDOM Coach® Family!