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Lisa Plumridge is a mum of two children, a girl and boy.  She has a teaching career that expands 20+ years, where she has taught children of variable ages and abilities, ranging from 0-15 years.

She is registered under the Queensland Board of Teachers faculty. Lisa has specialized in studying and working as a Special Needs and Learning Support Teacher, provided mentoring for training University students, fulfilled a team member position on the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Team, taught in mainstream classrooms and conducted individual private academic tutoring.

Lisa became a Certified WISDOM Coach in 2014 and started her own business in 2015 called Life By Your Design. Her passion and personal drive as a Life Coach and Teacher is to inspire, empower, and to embrace children’s uniqueness, where they transform and flourish into happy, confident and successful individuals. She wants children to develop a strong mindset that encompasses a VISION of possibilities, determination and direction, ensuring they align themselves with their true ‘SELF’.

Email:  [email protected]